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Why do people like making planned gifts?

Planned gifts (most commonly a donation made in your will or trust) cost nothing today and allow you to make an incredible impact, which is why so many people choose to make them.

There are some other exciting but less common gifts — scroll down to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Gifts of any size are deeply appreciated. Many people choose to leave a percentage of their estate, which scales up or down with your estate size.

Yes! Knowing in advance about your intentions is quite helpful to our staff. However, it is up to you if you would like to share your name. You may also choose to share your name and notify us if you would like to keep your name and or gift from being recognized publicly.

We’ve partnered with FreeWill to help you make a will or trust at no cost to you. You can use this to complete your plans, or you may choose to use the same tools to get your affairs in order before visiting an attorney (who is likely to have a fee associated with finalizing your plans).

Yes. You are always free to revise or update your estate plans.

Yes! FreeWill will never share your personal information without your permission.

Make your will today

100% free

Trusted and secure

Done in under 20 minutes

We’re here to help you meet your goals!

Our team would be happy to speak with you in confidence about your giving goals, with no obligation.

Name: Suzanne Percy

Title :Sr. Charitable Giving Advisor

Phone: 480-708-1358


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